Why We Need to Declutter

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Do you have a junk drawer? Or maybe you throw things on the top of the closet? Most people do! People usually have a "safe space" where they stash things they don't want or need. But many people accumulate so much stuff that it takes over their home, and instead of being relegated to a drawer or closet, the excess stuff ends up filling an entire room.

Sounds familiar?  You’re not alone. In fact, according to a recent study conducted by Tucker Research, clutter — even extreme clutter — is a major problem for a lot of people.

So what, exactly, does the research have to say?

The study addressed some key questions about clutter, including:

How common is excess clutter? Excess clutter is more common than you may think. According to the research, about half of Americans have at least one room in their home they believe to be unsalvageable as a result of clutter.

Why do people have a hard time making space? People struggle with clutter and space in a variety of ways, including struggling to organize their closet (33 percent), not being able to fit items in the space reserved for them (25 percent), and struggling to find room for items that don’t yet have a designated space (24 percent).

What is the impact on clutter? Many people deal with clutter because they don’t want to give things away. In fact, more than half (55 percent) wish they didn’t have to throw away items to make more space in their home. But all that clutter can have a negative impact; 34 percent of respondents reported feeling cramped in their home.

So, what does this research mean for you? Dealing with clutter (or, in most cases, not dealing with clutter) is a very normal thing, but it can also negatively impact your experience in your home. If you’re struggling with too much stuff, and don’t know what to do with it, consider hiring a professional organizer or using online resources (like organizing videos on YouTube) to declutter, get organized, and take control of your space.


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